How to install linux alongside windows 7
How to install linux alongside windows 7

how to install linux alongside windows 7

Okay enough of explanations, now straight to work.

how to install linux alongside windows 7

The latest release at the time of writing this post is on October 2011, hence the name is Ubuntu 11.10.

how to install linux alongside windows 7

The version number of the software depends on the year it is released along with the month it is released. Unlike Windows, Ubuntu’s new version is released every 6 months so that you can have state of art software always with you. Also have a look at Ubuntu 11.10’s cool features and review here. If you don’t know what Linux is and why is it better than Windows, consider looking at this post for your answers. Once you use it, I guarantee, you will fall in love with it. Just follow the instructions and screenshots and it wont take more than 30 minutes to install it on your system. This guide will explain how to install Ubuntu alongside Windows on your computer. If you want to explore Linux and have no idea about it, its undoubtedly the best choice. The best thing is that you can use it freely and also obtain, distribute and modify it freely as its a open-source software. Its is very good for new Linux users because its very easy to use and its installation and other software installation in it is very user-friendly. Ubuntu is a cool and widely used Linux operating system. This detailed tutorial explains how to install Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) 11.04, 10.10 or older operating systems on your computer/laptop alongside Windows 7 or XP without losing data.

How to install linux alongside windows 7